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The Engineer’s Top 10 Skills Checklist

iStock-178972479_RT.jpg“I am still learning.”

That’s a quote widely – and mistakenly – attributed to the great artist Michelangelo, apparently written when he was 87 years old.

But wherever the statement comes from, the sentiment is a wise one. We should never stop learning. That’s as true for artists as it is for engineers.

Even after you’ve mastered your field, there are still some non-engineering related skills for engineers that will help you succeed.

Conputer science student1. Computer science

Computer science fundamentals aren’t just for computer science engineers. Everyone in the engineering field should hone their computer skills, familiarizing themselves with algorithms, data structures, and computer memory manipulation.

2. Probability and statistics

This field is closely related to machine-learning algorithms. When applied with statistical parameters such as variance, mean and medium, these algorithms can remove data uncertainties. This allows engineers to create and authenticate usable models from observed data.

3. Data modeling

Data modeling is an important addition to the list of skills for engineers because it allows them to evaluate the structure of datasets to determine useful patterns. It allows them to find correlations between data and data clusters and find regressions and anomalies.

Engineer at computer reading data.4. System design

Engineers should study system design to better grasp how smaller components work in tandem with a larger system of products/services. Well-crafted design prevents bottlenecks and lets algorithms deal with varying amounts of data.

5. Communication

Being an engineer means being able to translate highly technical ideas when speaking to clients and managers. It also means being able to give clear instructions to other team members.

All of that means sharpening your communication skills, whether your job requires you to do oral presentations or write crystal clear reports.

iStock-603826920_RT.jpg6. Leadership

Engineers need to eventually learn management skills to lead teams. These are skills that can be picked up by watching others. When you learn when to give advice, when to give space, and how to use the strengths of individual team members are vital skills for engineers.

7. Critical thinking

An engineer will face any number of obstacles during their work day. Some will be easy to solve, others will require you to weigh the positives and negatives of possible solutions before picking the best one.

8. Attention to detail

Engineering is a field where a project can succeed or fail on the tiniest of details at every phase. An engineer needs to pay close attention to detail to make sure nothing important gets lost.

iStock-637152312_RT.jpg9. Ability to give (and receive) feedback

Engineers don’t work alone. They need to be able to give and get feedback without taking it personally in order for projects to succeed.

10. Willingness to learn

Finally, picking up all of these skills can only come from a willingness to learn, and a commitment to keep up to date on new technologies and your industry in general.

In addition to these skills for engineers, you’ll need to make sure you’re working with the proper tools. That’s where Maxpro can help.

For close to 25 years, we’ve provided engineers with durable, accurate torque wrenches with the help of our A2LA-accredited calibration lab. Contact us today to learn how we can help your next project.

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