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Industrial Bolting Safety, it’s all about process and procedure

Industrial safety is an industry in itself today. Avoiding accidents and mitigating lost work time is of the utmost importance for anyone in the industrial workplace. Industrial bolting, is a high risk, focal point of safety managers, and the following is a brief process that should be considered when bolting is part of a job:

1. Pre-Job Brief:

Before any work take place, the following needs to be determined:

  • Who’s doing the work, are they trained properly?
  • What tools are going to be used?
  • Documentation for tools, such as calibration certification up to date.
  • What are the goals and expectations for the job?
  • What PPE is required?

2. Job Walk Down:

Go to the where the job is taking place and preview that site work area

  • Are there any outside distractions?
  • Environmental considerations, such as temperature and moisture.
  • Confirming all tools can be used due to work space constraints.
  • Is the correct hardware/bolts ready to go?

3. Preform the job:

Following the procedure, Preform the task at hand.

  • Noted that if anything / situation arises, that is out of the scope of the work, the job is put on hold and discussed with the supervision before moving forward
  • Are the bolting tools working properly?
  • Is there a documentation and verification of the bolting/ torque process happening?

4. Close out the job:

  • Verify that all work in complete and documented.
  • Is the work area safe and all tooling and equipment removed from the site?
  • Properly store and return tooling required on the job to the correct location.

Maxpro has over 25 years in industrial bolting safety process and procedures. We have worked with power generation, petro-chemical, construction and wind energy customer in setting up a safe work environment

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