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5 Torque Tool Calibration Challenges & Solutions

True or false: With proper use, torque tools will remain accurate. If you guessed false, that’s right. Even with appropriate storage and use – or no use at all – every torque tool requires routine calibration for accuracy and repeatability, including manual tools. Without torque calibration, bolt tightening inaccuracies from improperly set tools can have catastrophic consequences for your assembly results and your bottom line.

However, torque calibration isn’t always straightforward – it’s common to experience challenges along the way. In this article, we’ll cover five torque calibration challenges to look out for and provide helpful solutions for each one. Let’s start with a summary of the types of tools that require torque calibration to keep your assembly processes on track.

Tools that require torque calibration

Electric Calibration-1While it may be surprising to learn, all torque and bolting equipment require routine calibration. The range of manual and power tools that need torque calibration is broad and includes:

In the next section, we’ll explore a few torque calibration challenges that can arise and provide solutions that can help you avoid bolt tightening defects.

5 Torque calibration challenges & solutions

The following are a few torque calibration challenges and solutions to consider:

Challenge #1: Adhering to a routine calibration schedule

Final_ISO_Grey-2015-Registered-signThe International Organization of Standardization (ISO) states that a torque wrench must be calibrated every 12 months or 5,000 uses. While not every tool has such standards, all torque tools require routine calibration, no matter how often you use them or how you store them. Skipping these routine calibrations can increase the risk of bolt failure.

Solution: Use automatically generated calendar reminders like our re-cal notices to signal that your next calibration is due.

Challenge #2: Having quick access to calibration data in the field

QRCodeLack of access to historical tool calibration data is a torque calibration challenge that can affect bolt tightening accuracy and repeatability. Newer technologies, such as QR codes, make it easier to scan and reveal critical calibration data quickly while in the field, helping to validate the torque setting and improve accuracy.

Solution: Ensure your calibration laboratory provides digital access to the most recent torque calibration data, such as our QR codes that we apply to your equipment for quick in-the-field scanning.

Challenge #3: Avoiding equipment loss and downtime

Calibration TruckAnother torque calibration challenge is the risk of losing equipment when shipping to and from a calibration laboratory. Unpredictable transit and long lead times can also increase the amount of critical downtime, fueling the need for on-site and quick turnaround calibration services to meet these challenges.

Solution: Consider mobile torque calibration service and repair to avoid shipping and lost equipment costs and unpredictable transit times that increase downtime.

Challenge #4: Reducing financial loss & risk of product failure

Battery CalibrationAddressing the challenge of reducing financial loss and product failure is all about torque calibration accuracy. A correctly calibrated torque tool helps save time and money on quality control inspections, production materials, and labor. Repeatable accuracy can also reduce the risk of a product failing while in service, avoiding warranty and rework costs.

Solution: Ensure your calibration laboratory offers an extremely tight uncertainty calculation to ensure greater accuracy and reduced loss.

Challenge #5: Choosing the right torque calibration laboratory

iso17025-1Not all torque calibration laboratories adhere to the same quality guidelines or have chosen to become ISO/IEC 17025 accredited, posing a challenge to companies looking for a high-quality and technically competent service provider.

Solution: Look for an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited calibration laboratory with decades of experience like ours for assurance that your job will be done right.

To learn more about our torque tool calibration services, visit our website, request calibration services, or call our seasoned experts at (888) 315-0175. With over 20 years of experience, we are an accredited, technically competent, and quality-driven laboratory calibration with excellent accuracy and repeatability.

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